Saturday 24 February 2018

The 2018 Web Developer : Adding node-sass globally

In the previous post I installed node.js (node). This also came bundled with the Node Package Manager (npm). npm allows me to install many packages created by the JavaScript community, both open-source and commercial. Examples include Twitter bootstrap, ReactJS, etc.
In this example I'm going install use node-sass, globally. This will allow us me develop CSS for any project using SASS on my system using.
From the command line type:
npm install -g node-sass
I then test that it has installed using:
node-sass -v

Using node-sass

In this first example, I have a terminal window open and I'm in a directory containing my custom.scss which will need compiling to custom.css in order to be used by my web pages.
node-sass -w custom.scss custom.css
In this second example, I'm in the root directory of my project with a subdirectory of /scss. Here, I am compiling all .scss files to their .css equivalents, in the same directory.
node-sass -w scss/ -o scss/

What next?

Now that I have used npm to install a package globally. I've applied a package, namely node-sass, which will improve my productivity. Now, in the next post, I need to begin a new project and prepare the ground for project specific packages.
I'm also going to use the opportunity to make sure I'm got some tools in place such as the Atom text editor, the slimjet browser and the livestyle plugins.

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