Thursday 20 October 2011

How to use cache-manifest for localstorage

So, you want your website to continue working on someone's laptop, when they're on a train and going through a tunnel.

Here is a technique for doing just that.

First create a .htaccess file for your site and add to it the following line:
AddType text/cache-manifest    .manifest

Next, create a file called cache.manifest. In this file, add the lines:

Continue to add entries for any file you wish to be cached such as additional pages, images, scripts, stylesheets etc.

Now let's create the index.html file which will be cached:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html manifest=”cache.manifest”>
<title>Cached Page</title>
My cached page.

There. Wasn't too difficult was it.

1 comment:

  1. I found that site very usefull and this survey is very cirious, I ' ve never seen a blog that demand a survey for this actions, very curious...
    Manifestation technique
