Showing posts with label volt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label volt. Show all posts

Monday, 10 March 2025

Some notes on the Laravel 12 Livewire starter kit

 You can install Laraval with Livewore as a starter kit without Volt. It comes up as an option when you run:

laraval new

Having installed Livewire, you can completely ignore it and continue to develop your application with a Laravel 11 approach. 

Installing the Livewire starter kit without Volt, provides you with directories such as



The contents of these are Livewire components, which essentially work like controllers.

These then, have corresponding Blade files as views. The views also contain Livewire "wire" directives within for example form tags, used to make calls back to the models.

Volt enables developers not to need separate Livewire components. All the logic is contained in the Blade files.

Laravel 12 contains only the default Flux starter kit. Just because Laravel 12 uses Flux, it doesn't mean you have to only use Flux components e.g. You can simply use a HTML table with Tailwind instead of a flux:table.