Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Updating data using the API Resource to a Laravel 11 Model


We'll assume 3 things:

  1. That the model was created using the approach in this blog post.
  2. That the route was created using the approach in this blog post.
  3. That a migration file has been set using this blog post.
  4. That an Eloquent API Resource has been set up using this blog post.

Similar to the approach to add data we will update the Http/Requests/UpdateYourRequest.php.
We can begin by removing everything from within the class.
The we will instead extend the class by StoreYourRequest
Now open the YourController.php and remove the edit method.
In the function update() thus:
public function update(UpdateYourRequest $request, YourModel $yourmodel)
return YourResource::make($yourmodel);
To test this in Postman, you'll need to send a PUT request with the URL of http://localhost/api/yourcontroller/1
In the Headers tab add the key Accept and the value of application/json
In the body select raw and choose the data format JSON.
Try using an empty object to see if the API returns the validation message
Now try an object like this:
"name": "My name again"
That should work.

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