Here is an example of extracting and displaying JSON results through PHP. In this instance, I am using my delicious feed.
Having received the data and decoded it into an array, I like to see the structure of the data. This is where the <pre> tags come in handy. Once you have seen the structure, you know how to traverse and pick out the values you need. Given that the code below is so small, I have commented it.
/* Get the data and put it into an array */
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents(""));
/* Display the structure of the data so that we know what to extract */
/* Comment out once understood */
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
/* Traverse the array, picking out the values you need */
foreach ($data as $name => $value)
echo $value->u.'<br />';
echo $value->d.'<br />';
echo $value->dt.'<br />';
echo $value->n.'<br />';
echo $value->a.'<br />';
/* Some values in this case, tags are themselves arrays so traverse those too */
function getAllItems($iarr)
foreach($iarr as $item)
echo $item.', ';
echo '<br />';