To prepare my project for node modules, I must initialise node within it's root directory.
First change to the project directory, using:
cd /myproject
Then type:
npm init -f -y
This will avoid me answering awkward questions that I'm not sure of, and provide me with a package.json file.
I'm also going to use the opportunity to make sure I'm got some tools in place such as the
atom text editor, the
slimjet browser and the LiveStyle plugins for
atom and
Chrome (which we can use in Slimjet).
I won't go through the reasons for using atom, you can get that from many places, but needless to say I'm convinced. To install on Ubuntu:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom
sudo apt update; sudo apt install atom
I had a graphic problem on an old laptop. It kept flashing. To remedy this I changed the command of my Atom launcher to:
/opt/atom/atom --disable-gpu
I installed the platformio-atom-ide-terminal package. This will open up a terminal inside the editor. It's quite useful because some commands, such as node-sass.
I also installed the livestyle-atom package.
Slimjet is a slim, fast browser which will give me all the benefits of Google Chrome browser by using its engine, but without telling Google everything I'm doing. To install:
sudo dpkg -i slimjet_amd64.deb
Now to add the livestyle extension. Within the browser:
More tools->Extensions->Get more extensions
Type livestyle
LiveStyle is a tool for live CSS editing. It means I'll be able to edit my SASS file and see the changes in real-time within the Slimjet browser.
What next?
I now have some good tools in place for my project. I have a fast browser. I have an editor which allows me to make SASS changes and see them in real-time. I can do this by opening a terminal and starting the node-sass package. I can also use the terminal to compile changes to my .js files using node. I can also use the terminal to initialise my project to be node ready.