One of OOP's strengths is that it provides control over access to properties and methods. This becomes particularly useful when developers are working together and extending classes.It is also often referred to as data hiding. It achieves this through public, private and protected properties and methods. How these are implemented in different languages can vary significantly as you see in the code examples below.
Public usually means anything which makes use of the class can access it.
Private usually means only the class can access it.
Protected usually means either it can access private properties and methods whose values can then be passed back, or can be used only by extended classes.
Given the more complex nature of protected, I tend to use it only when necessary.
PHP : car.class.php
class car
public $mypublicvariable;
private $myprivatevariable;
protected $myprotectedvariable;
function __construct()
$this->mypublicvariable = 'guitar';
$this->myprivatevariable = 'beer';
$this->myprotectedvariable = 'chocolate';
PHP : extendedcar.class.php
require_once 'car.class.php';
class extendedcar extends car
function __construct()
function showprotected()
return $this->myprotectedvariable;
JavaScript : car.class.js
car = function()
this.mypublicvariable = 'guitar';
var myprivatevariable = 'beer';
this.myprivilegedmethod = function()
return myprivatevariable;
Now a file (index.php) which creates 2 PHP objects. One from the parent class and one from the extended class. Then 1 JavaScript object.
require_once 'car.class.php';
require_once 'extendedcar.class.php';
$mycar = new car;
$myextendedcar = new extendedcar;
echo $mycar->mypublicvariable.'<br />';
echo $myextendedcar->showprotected().'<br />';
<script src="car.class.js"></script>
var mycar = new car();
document.write(mycar.mypublicvariable+'<br />');
document.write(mycar.myprivilegedmethod()+'<br />');