Showing posts with label vimeo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vimeo. Show all posts

Monday, 6 August 2012

OOP PHP Vimeo Class

This is essentially the earlier mentioned RSS class with a couple of tweaks for vimeo and search.

First, a script to call the class:

require_once 'vimeo.class.php';

$addr1 = '';
$addr2 = '';

$vimeo = new vimeo;

$arr = $vimeo->getFeed();

/* Or
$arr = $vimeo->getFeed('water');

$searchArray = Array('glass', 'trix');
$arr = $vimeo->getFeed($searchArray);

foreach($arr as $row)
echo '<iframe src="'.$row->id.'" width="WIDTH" height="HEIGHT" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><br />';

Now, the class itself:

class vimeo
public $addr = NULL;
private $outArr = Array();
function __construct($addr = NULL)
$this->addr = $addr != NULL ? $addr : $this->addr;
return $this->addFeed();

function addFeed($addr = NULL)
$this->addr = $addr != NULL ? $addr : $this->addr;
$rss = simplexml_load_file($this->addr);
$this->outArr = array_merge($this->outArr, $rss->xpath('/videos//video'));

function getFeed($input = NULL)
usort($this->outArr, function ($x, $y)
if (strtotime($x->pubDate) == strtotime($y->pubDate)) return 0;
    return (strtotime($x->pubDate) > strtotime($y->pubDate)) ? -1 : 1;

$this->outArr = $this->getArrayFilteredFeed($input);
$this->outArr = $this->getStringFilteredFeed($input);

return $this->outArr;

private function getStringFilteredFeed($s)
$tempArr = Array();
foreach($this->outArr as $row)
if(stristr($row->title,$s) || stristr($row->description,$s))
array_push($tempArr, $row);
return $tempArr;

private function getArrayFilteredFeed($arr)
$tempArr = Array();
foreach($this->outArr as $row)
foreach ($arr as $key) 
if(stristr($row->title,$key) || stristr($row->description,$key))
array_push($tempArr, $row);
return $tempArr;