Monday 4 March 2019

Vagrant Virtual boxes (machines) on my old laptop

So, I've been playing around with Vagrant. It's been good, but I had a little pain early on because I have an old laptop. If you're a GNU/Linux user like me, you can get away with having an old laptop. I do most Vagrant things on the command-line, so the instructions below assume you're on GNU/Linux command and using the CLI.

How to install Vagrant

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install virtualbox
sudo apt install vagrant -y

How to test the install has worked

vagrant --version

Create a sub-directory

I create a directory into which I will put all my boxes (virtual machines)
mkdir ~/vagrant
cd ~/vagrant

i686 example

Installing the box

As mentioned, I have an old laptop and therefore I can only run i686 boxes on it. You can find lots of boxes at It was here that I searched for the term 'i686' and came up with the box 'herroffizier/centos-6.5-i686' which will be used in the example below. Still in the '~/vagrant' directory, create another sub-directory and change to it.
mkdir centos65i686
cd centos65i686
Now let's install the box.
vagrant init herroffizier/centos-6.5-i686
The installation takes place and a file called Vagrantfile is created. I like to make a few changes to this file for my own purposes. Here is my example Vagrant file below.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.boot_timeout = 600 = "herroffizier/centos-6.5-i686"
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    vb.gui = true
    vb.memory = "1024"
I extended the timeout because I have an old laptop. I also load the GUI and give it a decent amount of memory.
Running the box
Now I'm ready to run my box. Still in the 'centos65i686' directory type the following.
vagrant up
A new window starts up and the box loads within it.
Once the loading process has completed you are presented with a login screen. Use the following credentials:
username : vagrant
password : vagrant
Now you should be in.

Tidying up

If you've finished with your box, you can close it down with the following command.
vagrant halt

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