Wednesday 10 January 2018

Editing command-line JavaScript, using Atom in Ubuntu

I've been doing a lot of JavaScript recently. It would have been too painful to render through the browser each time. So I set up an environment to do this within the Atom text editor. I use Ubuntu, although I'm sure the following instructions can be easily adapted to lesser operating systems.

Install nodejs
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Test this has worked by typing
node --version

Install Atom
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom
sudo apt update; sudo apt install atom

Add the terminal plugin to atom
Within atom type ctrl+, to get the settings window.
Click on install.
Type 'terminal'.
Now you will get a list of all terminal plugins for atom. I chose 'platformio-ide-terminal' and clicked the 'Install' button.
Restart atom.

Use the terminal within atom on your JavaScript
Open a directory containing your JavaScript. I suggest using the 'Add Project Folder...' option from the 'File' menu.
Let's imagine you have a directory such as /home/jimmy/js
If you haven't already, create a file such as 'hello.js'
Inside 'hello.js' add the line:
console.log('Hello world!');
Save the file.
Now at the bottom left-corner of Atom you will see a '+' symbol. Click the '+' and you will see a terminal window open in your chosen directory.
Click in the terminal window:
node hello.js
Hey presto!

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