Thursday, 28 November 2013

Error reporting in PHP

I've seen quite a few blogs which go into great depth about error reporting in PHP. What I and almost everyone else wants when something is going wrong is... Tell me everything. So, here are the lines to put at the top of your .php file
Job done.

Friday, 22 November 2013

OOP Series : Interfaces

An interface is a template of mthods. Not properties. An interface is usually accompanied by an 'implements' clause. Classes which implement an interface must contain the declared methods. There is no defined means of declaring a JavaScript interface/implments combination.
PHP : template.class.php
interface template
function setWidth($width);
function setHeight($height);
PHP : document.class.php
require_once 'template.class.php';
class document implements template
public $width, $height;
function setWidth($width)
$this->width = $width;

function setHeight($height)
$this->height = $height;
Now a file (index.php) which creates a document object.
require_once 'document.class.php';
$doc = new document;
echo $doc->width.' '.$doc->height;

OOP Series : Abstraction

Abstract classes are particularly useful if you are working in a team and on a large project. They allow the architect to specify what needs to be available in child classes without saying how. They can also be used to specify methods which must be available to all child classes. Abstract classes should't really be called, just referenced. In the example below I have an abstract class of book and a child class of childrensbook. The good news for me in writing the blog post is that there is no abstract class implementation in JavaScript.
PHP : book.class.php
/* You may only have child classes of this class */
abstract class book
function cover()
/* All child classes must have this function */
return 'Nice bright cover';

/* Must exists in a child class, but you can implement it as you see fit */
abstract function pages();
PHP : childrensbook.class.php
require_once 'book.class.php';
class childrensbook extends book
function pages()
return 20;
Now a file (index.php) which creates a childrensbook object.
require_once 'childrensbook.class.php';
$achildrensbook = new childrensbook;
echo $achildrensbook->cover().'<br />';
echo $achildrensbook->pages().'<br />';

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

OOP Series : Encapsulation

One of OOP's strengths is that it provides control over access to properties and methods. This becomes particularly useful when developers are working together and extending classes.It is also often referred to as data hiding. It achieves this through public, private and protected properties and methods. How these are implemented in different languages can vary significantly as you see in the code examples below.
Public usually means anything which makes use of the class can access it.
Private usually means only the class can access it.
Protected usually means either it can access private properties and methods whose values can then be passed back, or can be used only by extended classes.
Given the more complex nature of protected, I tend to use it only when necessary.
PHP : car.class.php
class car
public $mypublicvariable;
private $myprivatevariable;
protected $myprotectedvariable;
function __construct()
$this->mypublicvariable = 'guitar';
$this->myprivatevariable = 'beer';
$this->myprotectedvariable = 'chocolate';
PHP : extendedcar.class.php
require_once 'car.class.php';
class extendedcar extends car
function __construct()

function showprotected()
return $this->myprotectedvariable;
JavaScript : car.class.js
car = function()
this.mypublicvariable = 'guitar';
var myprivatevariable = 'beer';

this.myprivilegedmethod = function()
return myprivatevariable;
Now a file (index.php) which creates 2 PHP objects. One from the parent class and one from the extended class. Then 1 JavaScript object.
require_once 'car.class.php';
require_once 'extendedcar.class.php';
$mycar = new car;
$myextendedcar = new extendedcar;
echo $mycar->mypublicvariable.'<br />';
echo $myextendedcar->showprotected().'<br />';
<script src="car.class.js"></script>
var mycar = new car();
document.write(mycar.mypublicvariable+'<br />');
document.write(mycar.myprivilegedmethod()+'<br />');

Friday, 1 November 2013

OOP Series : Inheritance

One of OOP's strengths is that it provides the concept of inheritance. This becomes particularly useful when developers are working together and extending classes. In this first example I'm not going to focus on controlling the visibility of properties and methods. Everything will be public. Visibility will be covered in another blog entry.
class car
public $mypublicvariable;
function __construct()
$this->mypublicvariable = 'guitar';
function changevalue()
$this->mypublicvariable = 'beer';
require_once 'car.class.php';
class extendedcar extends car
function __construct()
function changevalue()
$this->mypublicvariable = 'chocolate';
car = function()
this.mypublicvariable = 'guitar';
car.prototype.changevalue = function()
this.mypublicvariable = 'beer';
extendedcar = function()
extendedcar.prototype = new car();
extendedcar.prototype.constructor = car;
extendedcar.prototype.changevalue = function()
this.mypublicvariable = 'chocolate';
Now a file (index.php) which creates an object from both.
require_once 'car.class.php';
require_once 'extendedcar.class.php';
$mycar = new car;
$myextendedcar = new extendedcar;
echo $mycar->mypublicvariable.'<br />';
echo $mycar->mypublicvariable.'<br />';
echo $myextendedcar->mypublicvariable.'<br />';
echo $myextendedcar->mypublicvariable.'<br />';
<script src="car.class.js"></script>
<script src="extendedcar.class.js"></script>
var mycar = new car();
var myextendedcar = new extendedcar();
document.write(mycar.mypublicvariable+'<br />');
document.write(mycar.mypublicvariable+'<br />');
document.write(myextendedcar.mypublicvariable+'<br />');
document.write(myextendedcar.mypublicvariable+'<br />');

Friday, 25 October 2013

OOP Series : Constructors and destructors

In OOP, constructors are initialisers and destructors are clean up operations.
In the case of PHP you declare a constructor of your class. It will be run when an object is created from the class. You can also declare a destructor which will be "called as soon as there are no other references to a particular object, or in any order during the shutdown sequence."
In the case of JavaScript, you don't have a specific method, but just make all your declarations.
In JavaScript, it's best to rely upn the garbage collector.
class familyphoto
public $mywidth, $myheight;
function __construct($mywidth = NULL, $myheight = NULL)
$this->mywidth = $mywidth;
$this->myheight = $myheight;

function __destruct()
$this->mywidth = NULL;
$this->myheight = NULL;
familyphoto = function(mywidth, myheight)
this.mywidth = typeof mywidth !== 'undefined' ? mywidth : null;
this.myheight = typeof myheight !== 'undefined' ? myheight : null;
Now a file (index.php) which creates 2 objects from both. In one, passing no values, and in another, passing 2 required values.
require_once 'familyphoto.class.php';
$familyphoto1 = new familyphoto;
echo $familyphoto1->mywidth.'<br />';
echo $familyphoto1->myheight.'<br />';
$familyphoto2 = new familyphoto(4,3);
echo $familyphoto2->mywidth.'<br />';
echo $familyphoto2->myheight.'<br />';

<script src="familyphoto.class.js"></script>
var familyphoto1 = new familyphoto();
document.write(familyphoto1.mywidth+'<br />');
document.write(familyphoto1.myheight+'<br />');
var familyphoto2 = new familyphoto(4,3);
document.write(familyphoto2.mywidth+'<br />');
document.write(familyphoto2.myheight+'<br />');

Monday, 21 October 2013

OOP Series : Properties and methods

Why? I don't know, but the creators of OOP decided to rename variables and functions as properties and methods respectively. The crazy thing is, that in the code, you will see references to things like 'var' and 'function'. Hey ho! Here are 2 simple examples of how they are declared and used in my example of the desk lamp which lights up my keyboard on this dull day.
PHP : desklamp.class.php
class desklamp
public $power = 'OFF';
function onoffswitch()
$this->power = $this->power == 'OFF' ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
JavaScript : desklamp.class.js
desklamp = function()
this.power = 'OFF';

this.onoffswitch = function()
this.power = this.power == 'OFF' ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
Now a file (index.php) which creates objects from both and makes the switch.
require_once 'desklamp.class.php';
$mydesklamp = new desklamp;
echo 'PHP desk lamp power = '.$mydesklamp->power.'<br />';
echo 'PHP desk lamp power = '.$mydesklamp->power.'<br />';

<script src="desklamp.class.js"></script>
var mydesklamp = new desklamp;
document.write('JS desk lamp power = '+mydesklamp.power+'<br />');
document.write('JS desk lamp power = '+mydesklamp.power);